Monday, November 22, 2010

2010 EMPOWERED! Breast Screening Campaign

Here's the second time, we HOPE worldwide Malaysia, involve in such a great cause, that's to bring awareness to the underprivileged community, about CANCER!

It was last Sunday, 21/11/2010, HOPE worldwide Malaysia with another 7 more NGOs, working hand in hand in this meaningful cause - Breast Cancer Screening Campaign, which is organized by EMPOWERED! The Cancer Advocacy Society Malaysia.

This event took place at Medan Sri Pantai, a community hall at PPR Seri Pantai, Bangsar South.

On that day, we have our guest of honor, Puan Noormah bt. Dato' Haji Abdul Rauf, the Director of Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Wilayah Persekutuan to give an opening speech. She said, "Married women often prioritize their husband and children's needs, and forget to take good care of their health." By organizing this campaign, she hopes that, women can really be convicted, and alert on empowering by early detection of Breast Cancer, as breast cancer had been the most critical cancer for many years in Malaysia.

This campaign was not only accommodate to women's needs, as they had seminar for Lungs cancer as well. Not only that, organizer also provided Healthy Lifestyle workshop, which is about BMI Checking, education on body exercises, and healthy cooking demonstration too.

Part of the event, was a "TRUE STORY SHARING" by a breast cancer patient, a lady with 2 kids, who is now still undergoing the chemotherapy. She had been through a lot of hardships, and yet, she is still tough and positive, standing here to share her story with inspiration. During her sharing, she encourage women not to avoid from doing breast screening. "Do not be afraid and negative, early detection can save a life!" she said.

During the entire event, organizer EMPOWERED! had specially arrange Lucky Draw session to encourage all the participants.

Opening speech from Dr. Christina Ng, the founder of EMPOWERED! The Cancer Advocacy Society of Malaysia

VIP in a row. Guest of honor - Puan Noormah, the Director of Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Wilayah Persekutuan was having morning tea break in the VIP Room.

Dr. Christina listening to the chef in explaining the cooking demo.

The Q&A Session about Breast Cancer

The Lungs Cancer Awareness Seminar

One of the dummies used by the doctors in educating the women on doing checking of breasts by their own.

Overall, EMPOWERED had done a great job, in creating this awareness, especially for this group underprivileged people. As to let them know, being poor, is not an excuse for not aware of our health, they too have a right to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a healthy body, is one of the key factor for them to continue to work, and earn a living, in order to raise the next generation.

Million thanks to all fellow volunteers for being there from early morning till the finishing of the event!

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