Monday, November 22, 2010

2010 Deepavali Celebration + Food Distribution + Activity Learning Program with Maybankers and Astro!

It has been a superb fruitful weekends to HOPE worldwide Malaysia!

On last Saturday, 20/11/2010, we have had a great time Deepavali Celebration with all of our beneficiaries and needy community in Sentul.

At the same time, since last Saturday is the third Saturday of the month, we have our Food Distribution as well, and its like a double happiness, to make our Deepavali Celebration a memorable ones! As usual, during our Food Distribution, we have our Activity Learning Program with the children going on as well.

Not only the fruitful events, and we have many awesome volunteers as well! Firstly, we have "Maybankers", workers from Maybank to be here with us. This is the very first time, for HOPE worldwide to work together with Maybank, in CSR cause. We have Cindy, leading another 9 more workers along, in helping the Food Distribution.

On the another hand, we have 15 volunteers from Astro! They are there for the children's Activity Learning Program, and as well, helping up the Deepavali Celebration Buffet Lunch at downstairs of our clinic.

It was an awesome working experience with the volunteers from both companies, and what great is, nowadays, more and more corporates are so involving in community work. As they can really see, the needs and the gladness in serving. We seems to be giving a lot as a volunteers, but actually, in return, we actually received a lot of joy and beautiful memories.

The Maybankers!

We have around 60 over children who come and join the Activity Learning Program! We sing songs, play games and guess what, goodies from Astro! A bag with TVIQ - Channel 552 as the printing cover:)

Here's a really good one to learn, as one of the song we're singing during the Activity Learning Program with the children - If You Are Happy! Let's follow the below sequence:

If you are happy, and you know it:
1. Clap Your Hands
2. Stamp your feet
3. Nod Your Head
4. Pull Your Ears
5. Scratch Your Head


Last one, always the best one!
6. Tickle Your Friends (this is when all the children giggle and screaming all the way)



Coming up soon - EMPOWERED! The Cancer Advocacy Society of Malaysia Breast Cancer Screening Campaign on 21/11/2010!

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